Extended abstracts submitted to the conference and accepted for presentation at the conference after a rigorous peer-review process will be available and included in the Conference Proceedings.
In addition, authors may also submit full-length papers for special issues of the following journals. These submissions are handled by the journal.

Engineering Computations provides a platform for research and discussion across the range of disciplines involved in computer-aided engineering and software. The journal presents its readers with broad coverage across all branches of engineering and science of the latest development and application of new solution algorithms, innovative numerical methods and/or solution techniques directed at the utilization of computational methods in engineering analysis, engineering design and practice.
The continued aim of Engineering Computations is to address the diverse disciplines involved in a numerical methods-based decision-support process, to publish advances made in computational algorithms and element methodology and to encourage innovation, particularly directed at engineering applications.
Participants of YIC2023 are invited to submit their full paper to the following special issue of Engineering Computations (ISSN 0264-4401): Envisioning the future of computational methods applied to engineering and sciences.

Computer Methods in Materials Science (CMMS) provides an international medium for the publication of studies related to various aspects of applications of computer methods in wide area of materials science. Appropriate submissions to CMMS journal should enhance the communication between experimental materials research and computational work on both existing and new, advanced materials and their applications. Beyond this, the journal covers the development of advanced computational methods in the fields of computational engineering, artificial intelligence, and optimization. Papers on methods to predict materials properties and microstructure evolution during processing can be submitted, as well.

The participants are invited to send a full paper to the journal SN Applied Sciences (SNAS) in the Topical Collection Young Investigators in Computational Science and Engineering. The contributions to this Topical Collection aim at the development of new cutting-edge mathematical and computational methods as well as their application to modeling and simulation in different areas of engineering and the applied sciences. Even though the Topical Collection focuses especially on young researchers, we look for all articles that are of interest to both young and senior scientists in the field of computational science and engineering. Furthermore, contributions that go beyond the traditional approaches within the field of modeling and simulation are particularly welcome.

Buildings (ISSN 2075-5309) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal (free for readers) that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, and communications on building science, building engineering, and architecture design. There is no restriction on the length of the papers as the journal encourages researchers to publish their innovative ideas and results in as much detail as possible. Additionally, the journal encourages authors to publish related electronic files or software along with their publication as “Supplementary Material”. To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Buildings follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences. Participants of YIC2023 are invited to submit their full paper to the following special issue of Buildings (ISSN 2075-5309): Challenges in the Numerical Simulation from Small to Large Scale Structures.

Construction Materials (ISSN 2673-7108) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research findings and developments in the field of construction materials. The journal will focus on the preparation and characterization of all kinds of construction materials, the relationship between properties and applications, as well as environmental impacts on construction materials. The length of papers is not restricted so that the experimental and methodical details can be presented. If the full details of the study procedure cannot be included as part of the main manuscript, the journal encourages the submission of supplementary documents. Participants of YIC2023 are invited to submit their full paper to the following special issue of Construction Materials(ISSN 2673-7108): Structural Mechanics of Construction Materials.